Tattoo ink

Tattoo ink

Discover our services for the compliance of your tattoo inks

Tattoo inks can only be placed on the market if they comply with the requirements of the REACH and CLP Regulations.
The new restriction (entry N.75) of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH) (adoption of Regulation (EC) No. 2081/2020 amending Annex XVII), has established that tattoo inks must not contain some substances with certain hazard classes, classes of substances and some substances above certain ranges (pigments, amines, hydrocarbons, heavy metals).

Trusticert provides support to manufacturers and importers of tattoo inks with the following services:

  • SDS (Safety Data Sheet) authoring.
  • UFI codes creation and PCN notification.
  • Creation of compliant labels from regulatory and graphic perspective according to local requirements.
  • Creation of environmental labels according to local requirements.

The SDS represents an information document with legal value that the supplier of a dangerous substance or mixture (manufacturer/importer/responsible company) must transmit to the recipient when the latter is a professional.

To guarantee the confidentiality of your industrial secrets, we create the SDS internally thanks to our experts and not through third-party suppliers. The SDS are created based on the formula of each individual product variant and according to the regulations and language of the country of destination of the product.

The UFI code is a mandatory element on the labels of hazardous mixtures. UFI is the acronym for Unique Formula Identifier; it is an alphanumeric code made up of 16 characters that uniquely identifies a mixture at European level and links it to the specific information transmitted via the harmonized notification (PCN).

Tattoo ink labels must comply with CLP requirements, as well as include the full list of ingredients, the unique batch identification number, the presence of nickel and chromium (VI) and additional safety information, as well as the presence of substances used as pH regulators. The mixtures must also clearly bear the words “mixture for tattoos or permanent make-up” on the packaging.

In order to help you we need the complete ink formulation


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